Parvo virus in dogs. Parvo is a deadly virus, which attacks the intestine of the dog. Diagnosis: The disease is common in dogs under three years old that are un-vaccinated. It is not impossible for a vaccinated dog or a dog that over three years old, contract. Common symptoms of the virus include vomiting, listlessness, and bloody diarrhea with a very foul odor. Companies such as Idexx and Symbiotics can make test kits Parvo currently. With a sample the faecal matter and about 15 minutes the animal for the Parvo virus can be tested. No Kit currently 100% error-free; false negative and positive results are possible with these test kits. Contraction: The Parvo virus is commissioned by the fecal matter. Faeces must be contagious not be fresh. Dried microscopic infected fecal matter of almost everything, shoes, bedding or even the wind carried can. The virus is highly contagious and easy to transfer. It is not uncommon that dogs with any other canines, Parvo contract never in contact come. Disease of my over the fence by the wind, at home on a family hands, shoes and clothing were taken. Prognosis: The prognosis of for patients depends on many factors such as age, treatment plan, the burden of the Parvo and like in the virus life began from the treatment. There are different strains of Parvo and some strains are more deadly then. It's a sort of Parvo, myocarditis (inflammation) caused the attacks of the heart muscle. This can occur up to six weeks after the apparent recovery of the intestinal form of the disease. This heart-shape of the virus is always fatal. 80% of the dogs that are in the hospital and follow the hospital's recommendations for the treatment of life. The survival rate for patients who follow not the hospital's recommendations are much much lower. Treatment: Treatment for Parvo is to prevent the maintenance of normal body composition and secondary bacterial infection. Dogs that have infected the Parvo virus to be hospitalized on intravenous fluids in the hospital. Drugs that are given are anti-vomiting, antibiotics, anti-diarrhea and vitamin supplements. The DRS drugs depends on preference and the severity of the symptoms, the dog will exhibit. Three to seven days is in the hospital. This time depends on, the patient and his recovery. Stay any longer patients, if recovery requires it. Why us Parvo so deadly: by attacking the intestinal system of the dog and causing severe vomiting and diarrhea Parvo can dry out causing the dog to a State, the death. The disease weakens the immune system of the dogs to the point that it is vulnerable to attacks of bacterial infections. Disinfectants: The most effective disinfectant is four ounces of bleach to 1 liter of water. With this, you can disinfect your home from the disease. (Bed linen, terraces, clothing, etc.). This mixture can not be used on the skin or hair of domestic animals, animals or people. It can cause discoloration on everything, you it on. Contagious to humans or other animals. The Parvo virus is not contagious to humans or other animals. Their is a sort of Parvo, the people contract, but it cannot be completed, by dogs and people dogs that burden can not contract. William J. O'Learyhttp://www.missionvet.comhttp://www.missionvet.com/k9%20conditions/parvo.htm
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