To help your Siamese fighter fish or betta fish, lives a long and healthy life, you want to give the best Siamese fighter fish for your pet care. A betta fish normal life is about 3-5 years. Due to the aggressive nature of this species the male fighters must be separated ever male fish by all female together with each other.An optimal temperature of 78 degrees, good food and a clean environment are important for the optimal betta fish care, and all these things do scheitern can have fatal consequences. Health to get your betta, a change of water is required, when the Siamese fighter fish. Your pet betta experience less stress if you comply with the recommendation to replace only about 25% of the water in the tank at any time.Maintained at about 78 degrees water temperature provides the optimal environment for these freshwater fish. Although Siamese fighter fish can survive in cooler temperatures, they will not thrive. You should add to your betta fish tank never chlorinated water. Maintaining the lighting of 12 hours daylight, followed by 12 hours darkness part is providing the best betta fish care. Algae growth must be reduced by ensuring that the fish bowl or tank is away from direct sunlight. A gold fish bowl is definitely not a fighter fish recommended for. A tank that will keep more than five litres of dechlorinated water is recommended as the temperature tends to increase with less than five litres of water in containers.A steady diet of life food is specifically required for Siamese betta (omnivores). Low vegetables and plants pellets offer good nutrition and make to supplement a good diet. Any kind of Bloodworms, Tubifex worms, or freeze dried brine shrimp makes a good healthy fun. Betta fish are out to food floating on the surface of the water because of feed with a reverse mouth. Training to recognize that the feeding is recommended as difficult for them, from the bottom of the tank to eat your fish. Shaking bits of food from the container on top of the water, to get his attention, you can your betta fish give a complete dose of food. As a reaction to your actions, he is more inclined to fill all his meal, before it sinks to the bottom of the tank.Your betta fish should be not overfed or underfed. If you overfeed your betta his digestive system natural balance is disturbed and this generates, debris or the organic waste that collects at the bottom of the fish tank. When to replace water, which has also clouded, it is very important to remember, no more than 25% of the total amount of water all either replace time to help to maintain a natural pH balance of 7.0. Knowledge of the correct feeding care for your betta is imperative to promote optimal health.The above simple compliance is your betta fish that provide the best opportunity for a long, healthy life.
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