Taking care of your pets this holiday season

With the holiday season in, people are looking forward to spending most of their time with their loved ones and family. So pets are left out without proper care and concern alone. Many people forget that the holiday is a time for togetherness and family and as these pets are also the part of our home, sharing the holiday spirit with our animals and pets should be considered. It's nice to share Christmas Day and our new year with our beloved pets. Walking with them, slipping an extra tidbit under the table at dinner, buying them a squeaky toy can really make these voiceless creatures happy.

While the holidays are filled with traditional foods and decorations, there are some items that can cause harm to your pets if ingested or get in contact with. For an instance, tinsel which is used for making a beautiful decoration especially at Christmas can be deadly to your pet if swallowed. This substance can easily cause an intestinal blockage and leakage of the consumed material into the abdomen of the animal. Keeping a close eye on your pets especially cats and dogs around these items can help to ensure a safe and happy holiday season with your pets. However, if you suspect that your pet has eaten any such decorative item, and it has a loss of appetite, vomiting or diarrhea, seeking veterinary care immediately is advised by Animal Welfare Organizations.

People should understand that pets, like people suffer the stress of the holiday season as well. The change in surroundings and environment, shopping and travel and an increase in visitors at your home can cause stress to these creatures too. All the owners should keep their pets regular exercise, feeding as normal as possible. Regular grooming activities and spending little time with your pets can help the animals to combat the stress. A stressed, scared pet is more likely to accidentally bite someone out of fear and an animal bite could easily ruin a holiday celebration for you and your family.

However, the holiday season is not just the time when these helpless species are left around. Sometimes, people are moving abroad with their families either for a vacation or for long terms and say they can't afford to takes a pet with them. There are genuine cases, where the pet owners are sad about that fact too, although people who do really love their pets will find a suitable home for them among family or friends where they can be looked after and cared for in their absence. Some peoples though just drop the pet off and live happily without a second glance. They don't even bother to look how these creatures will survive thereafter. Also one of the most common excuses from people abandoning their pets is children. Even though these pets share great bonding with children, many cases you can see where with a child's entry in the life many families dump these loyal and loving pets or leave them abandoned without proper care and food. -œSurely, no animal deserves betrayal like this,- says Animal Welfare Organizations those are working for animals care and wellness.

Being humans we must understand that these animals also need care and love. We must stop treating our pets as commodities and ump these furry friends for a holiday season. Instead you can come forward helping the Animal Welfare societies by adopting a pet and sponsoring a creature as a holiday present to these fellow creatures. Please have a safe and happy holiday season with your family and pets. If you are interested in adopting a pet this holiday season you can contact any Animal Welfare centers in the United States of America.

Related Articles - Wild Animals Rescue, Animal Rights, Animal Welfare, Animal Welfare Organizations, Organizations For Animals Rights,

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