Many people buy a betta fish for the first time ever. And most of these people are confused, and confused from that moment on, the they wildlife links. Is this you? Trust me, I know how you feel. I have done there. But you see, there is still hope. In this article, you will discover how for your betta to take care of fish, as well as some more interesting facts about this beautiful fish.Betta fish, known as splendens, are originally from Siam. They were bread for the purpose of combating other fish. These small warriors are tropical freshwater fish. You can handle the warmer temperature than most fish. Temperatures between 70-80 degrees Fahrenheit are normal for betta splendens. Cooler temperatures can actually these fish Schaden.Diese fish come in many different colors. In fact, you can breed fish until a desired color is reached. In most cases, the betta are bright and beautiful. There are, however, some of them would call ugly to most people. So, how to care for these fish as soon as you have purchased your own? Here's what you do: first way need, it would be advisable to buy a large tank. In most cases, people will put their fish in a fish bowl. Do not do this. As a result, your pet can die prematurely. Instead placing them in a large tank. A five-gallon tank should be good enough.Secondly, the water should be free of contaminants. With tap water can be dangerous, if the appropriate measures shall be taken are not. Sure, let the water sit overnight before exposing your fish on it. This ensures that additives out of the water will be eliminated. You can purchase a water additive that will do the same. This product will ensure that the pH levels on the right Einstellung.Drittens should be the location of your tank also be taken into account. Place your tank in direct sunlight can quickly change the water temperatures cause. This can be your small friend of damage. Find a location, the secluded. Otherwise, your family room will be good enough. Be sure to cover the tank so that your cats curious don't get to your new friend. Plants can be good for shade and comfort. Be careful, avoid hard plastic but.Finally, you buy the right food. Betta are not often used fish to eat. In fact, it would be wise, rare feed. All too often, feeding can actually kill. To keep a good rule of thumb would be once every other day.
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